McCormick Place: Keep the Lights Out

Board of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority
Petition background
The tragic death of nearly a thousand birds at the McCormick Lakeside facility on October 5 is a strong wakeup call about the potential for mass casualties if lights are not extinguished. McCormick Place has been told many times that simply requiring their exhibitors to draw curtains or turn off lights at the end of the day would prevent 80% of bird deaths. This they refuse to do.
The Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority manages McCormick Place. (The Mayor and Governor each appoint 4 of the board's 8 members.) You can send a message to their board of directors here:
Maria E. Calderon
This petition will be delivered MPEA at their next meeting on Monday, October 30th (moved from the 24th), if possible. Copies will also be delivered to the Mayor and Governor. Please share widely. We will post more details when we have them.
This petition was created by Bird Friendly Chicago: Chicago Bird Collision Monitors, Chicago Audubon Society, Chicago Ornithological Society