The Oregon Coast Rocks!

Anyone interested in preserving rocky habitat on the Oregon coast.
Petition background
This petition will be submitted to the Ocean Advisory Policy Council (OPAC). You may also submit your comments directly to:
Here's what it's all about:
WHAT ARE WE ASKING FOR? We’re seeking Marine Conservation Area (MCA) designations for the two proposed areas. The MCA designation is designed to conserve “relatively intact ecosystems with high ecological value.” The designation does not change commercial and recreational fish harvest regulations, boat access, or anchorage.
WHERE? The Cape Foulweather proposal includes the coastline from Whale Cove to Otter Rock and extends out into the ocean to encompass the near-shore kelp beds. The Cape Lookout proposal includes the coastline that wraps around the headland from north to south.
WHY NOW? The door is open for these proposals now because Oregon’s Rocky Habitat Management Strategy is being updated for the first time since 1994. The public was invited to propose areas to add to the inventory of sites being managed as part of the Strategy. (The update is in response to climate change and growing population stressors.)
THEN WHAT? If we are successful, we can help ensure these areas are preserved in perpetuity, and be positioned to launch ongoing stewardship programs to monitor these fragile ecosystems as well as provide educational opportunities to the public.
For more information see: